Sunday, July 21, 2013

Our Sweet little Landry Boy

Well, since I'm finally starting to come out of that "having a newborn" fog I wanted to post some pictures of our littlest peanut.  Wow, 5 months (this used to read, "3 months...and then 4 months) really flies when you're sleep deprived.  I feel like by the time they're 3 months old you start to ask yourself where the time goes because it was only seconds ago that they were born but the truth is, for me anyway, that I've been walking around in this fog for his entire life which is probably why I cant remember him being a newborn already (only kidding...sort of).

 Here are some pics of our sweet boy.  I've been working on this short little post for over two months so I'm  just going to post it because he would turn 1 by the time I finish it.  Coming to the realization that with 3 kids I will forever start things that most likely won't ever get finished.  I'll start with the birth day and a few hospital pics for now...#small victories


 Landry Michael
Feb 12, 2013

Isn't he cute??

I love his old man wrinkly forehead

Kisses from mommy

Kisses from daddy

Love from Bro and Sis

Grandma Sue and Landry

Grandpa Mike and Landry

A few more of my favorite pics of the 500 I took (we had a lot of down time)